Follow these helpful do’s and don’ts when it comes to the septic tank on your property. For any further questions, don’t hesitate to give Septic Technologies Inc. a call.
- Pump your tank from the large main cap(s) on an average of every 3 years. This helps prevent leaching system failure and will prolong the life of your septic system.
- Your tank should be pumped from the large main cap(s) to ensure that all the scum and sludge buildup is removed from your tank properly.
- Use water wisely. Conserve water to reduce the amount of wastewater that must be treated and disposed of.
- Repair any leaking faucets or toilets immediately. The smallest drip will allow unnecessary water to enter the septic system.
- Only complete 1 or 2 loads of laundry per day. Use a “septic safe” laundry detergent as this is easier on the septic system.
- Use a monthly bacteria treatment. This will help replace the bacteria that has been killed by normal household cleaners.
- Know where your septic system is.
- Keep vehicles off of your septic tank and leaching system.
- Keep accurate, detailed records of pumping and inspections. Pass along all records to new property owners.

- Drive or park vehicles over your septic system.
- Dispose of non-biodegradable wastes or chemicals into the septic system, such as coffee grounds, grease, oil, plastic, kitty litter, feminine hygiene products, condoms, cigarette butts, diapers, baby/hand wipes, paper towels, drain cleaners, solvents, paint, bleach, disinfectants, pesticides, etc.
- Go down into a septic tank, under any circumstances! The gases present may poison or asphyxiate you!
- Drain water from hot tubs or pools into your septic system.
- Build over your septic system, such as patios, carports, decks, sheds, trees, etc.